A Fine Collection of Antique Dayak Charms Borneo Island Indonesia 19th to Early 20th Century (Height 6cm to 8cm)
Dayak Amulet Figures & Charms were always fascinating to me, the first ones I saw were in Bali 40 years ago when the better antique dealers always had a few genuine old Dayak Amulets for sale.
My collection of Dayak Amulets was put together over four decades by buying the best examples that I could find both in Indonesia & from art dealers & collectors around the world.
Small carvings in the form of human figures, anthropomorphic creatures and animals in contorted positions are found throughout the numerous Dayak communities of Borneo.
They are made by a shamanic priest, these talismanic charms are kept within the family apartments of communal longhouses, attached to baby carriers and cribs, or worn by individuals on necklaces and belts.
In an environment where great dangers are posed by both the natural and supernatural world, amulets provide the living with protection against harm, illness and other calamities. While some were intended to scare off evil forces, others alluded to concepts and legends associated with the Dayak universe.
These Dayak Amulet were also used in medicinal preparations where you can see on the amulets small parts of the body are shaved or carved off to add to botanical preparations that treat all kinds of illness.
Provenance: The Todd Barlin Collection of Oceanic and Asian Art.
See my new EXHIBITIONS GALLERY showing the Museums and Art Galleries Exhibitions that I provided artworks for over the past 40 years. There is the link to the article about my artworks published in the prestigious Louvre Magazine in 1996
I have artwork for Museums and art Galleries but also for collectors at every stage of their collecting. I want to encourage people to explore the fine art of New Guinea & West Papua and the Pacific Islands and to be able to see and touch the artworks in a relaxed and friendly manner in my Sydney Gallery. I would like to invite you to visit my gallery and see the artworks in person and also look at my website www.oceanicartsaustralia.com where there are many Galleries & Sub Galleries to explore.
My Gallery of nearly 40 years is the last physical gallery in Sydney that specializes in New Guinea and Oceanic Art. Sydney is very close to New Guinea & the Pacific Islands where all of these amazing artworks came from, Australia’s closest neighbours.
To see many more rare items and the finest masterpieces, please make an appointment with us to visit the gallery.